Services and Prices

Sign up with MBA Admissions Advisors and you’ll work directly with one of the founders. As graduates of Harvard Business School, we have successful first-hand experience applying to top-tier MBA programs in the United States and internationally. We are equipped to help applicants at any stage in the process, whether you are a year away from applying and still mapping your approach or you’ve already applied and are trying to navigate the wait-list process.

We offer several pricing plans to provide candidates with options that suit their individual needs. First, we offer a free initial profile assessment. Just email us a little about yourself, a copy of your resume, your basic stats (including test scores and GPA), and any other documents you have prepared.  We will give you advice tailored to your application, and we will answer any questions or concerns you have about the application process. For those candidates interested in additional consultation, we offer an hourly rate for any of our services, flat fees for select services, and comprehensive packages for unlimited support. We will be happy to explain our prices during a free consultation.