Tuck School of Business Application is now live (2015/2016)

By Kyle Watkins (last updated: August 6, 2015)
Aerial view of the Dartmouth Campus

Aerial view of the Dartmouth Campus

The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth just announced that its application for the 2015 / 2016 season is now open. There were no significant surprises this year.

Tuck offers four application deadlines

Tuck Applicants Need to Answer At Least 2 Essay Questions

Tuck requires all applicants to answer two main essay questions, which are very standard in nature (no tricks here, as long as you do your homework properly):

Tuck Essay Question #1: “What are your short and long-term goals? Why do you need an MBA to achieve those goals? Why are you interested in Tuck specifically?”

Tuck Essay Question #2: “Tell us about your most meaningful leadership experience and what role you played. How will that experience contribute to the learning environment at Tuck?”

Additionally, all applicants can answer an optional essay question (in essence, “what else should we know about you?”), while all re-applicants must answer this extra question: “How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how you have grown personally and professionally”.

Why should you consider Tuck?

At MBA Admissions Advisors, we have helped a number of past clients secure admission to Tuck, and we have a lot of respect for this program.

Our clients who are now Tuck students regularly share extremely positive feedback with us about their Business school experience.

Among the key differentiators versus other leading MBAs are the school’s location, Tuck’s teaching method, and its tight-knit, collaborative culture.

Tuck is located in Hanover, New Hampshire. While often described as “lost in the woods”, the school provides its MBA students with an opportunity to enjoy outstanding quality of life. Yet, it is extremely close to many of the most exciting cities on the East Coast. As an HBS student, I remember frequently attending recruiting events in Boston along with Tuckies.

Tuck’s teaching method is similar to HBS in a major way, as both schools rely predominantly on the case method. Team projects probably play a slightly more important role at Tuck however, at least based on feedback we’ve received from students at both schools.

As a matter of fact, most first-yearTuck MBA students live together on campus. This does create opportunities for very frequent interactions, both inside and outside of the classroom. Participants in the Dartmouth MBA program consistently mention – and praise – the school’s tight-knight environment and collaborative culture (each class is made of only 4 sections, with only 60 to 70 students each – vs. 10 sections of 90 students for HBS). 

Actually, most successful applicants deliberately choose to attend Tuck, which certainly reinforces the school’s culture. Indeed, the school offers an open interview policy and actively encourages all applicants to visit its campus, attend classes, and talk to students. Few leading Business Schools offer all of their applicants to proactively initiate an on-campus interview.


Start your application, and get the support you need: To get started with your application, just follow this link to the Tuck’s MBA application page. Writing strong application essays usually takes a lot of introspection. It inevitably also requires that you get support from friends, family, and colleagues, who will be your best mentors in working through exactly what you want to do with you career.

Of course, it helps to have someone who doesn’t know you that well read your essays too, since they’ll be far more likely to spot gaps or inconsistencies that, while they make sense to someone who knows you well, stand out to someone who does not. If you’re interested in having one of us take a look at your application, then reach out through our free consultation service. And of course, stay tuned to this blog for more posts on how to put together winning MBA applications.

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